Jun 12, 2023 | Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, Real life story
Claire is 41 years old, married with 2 young children. She has a very busy life. In addition to looking after her children and running her home, she works part-time as a beauty therapist and spends lots of time with her parents, sister and her husband’s family. Claire...
Aug 7, 2022 | Change your relationship with food, Feel better about yourself, Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, Psychology, Stop yo-yo dieting
Is it your first holiday in a while? With covid restrictions eased for the first summer in three years, many people are booking holidays and crossing their fingers that they will actually be able to go. If you’re planning to get away over the next few weeks, I...
Nov 28, 2021 | Achieving permanent weight loss, changing eating habits, Keep the weight off, Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, Maintaining your new weight, Psychology, Real life story, Stop yo-yo dieting
The million-dollar question in weight loss – even more than how you lose the weight in the first place – is how you keep it off. Approaching her 40th birthday, Maya had undertaken to lose a stone. As a seasoned dieter, she anticipated it being hard work but this...
Jan 26, 2021 | Achieving permanent weight loss, Build your weight loss confidence, Change your relationship with food, changing eating habits, Feel better about yourself, Get control of your eating, lockdown, Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, Maintaining your new weight, Overcoming barriers to weight loss, Psychology, Stop yo-yo dieting
As lockdowns continue to try and curb transmission of Covid19, the pressure we’re under may show in our eating patterns. My blog this week is on a situation I often hear from clients, which is that they struggle with their eating much more in the evenings than...
Oct 11, 2020 | Achieving permanent weight loss, Change your relationship with food, changing eating habits, Get control of your eating, Keep the weight off, Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, Maintaining your new weight
Being able to make room for dessert even when we’ve eaten our fill at a meal has been dubbed the “dessert stomach” or “second stomach”. Of course, we humans only have one stomach, and being tempted by the dessert menu isn’t because we have another stomach. It’s a...
Aug 2, 2020 | Achieving permanent weight loss, Change your relationship with food, changing eating habits, coronavirus, Keep the weight off, Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, Psychology
Weight loss is back in the headlines as the UK government announces a new 12-point strategy to help people reduce weight. The impetus has come from reports that weight is a factor in how badly we suffer with covid-19 if we fall ill with it. Personally I really dislike...