Jun 19, 2023 | changing eating habits, Eat in tune with your body
Feeling full Try and cajole an infant into eating more than they want and you’ll be in for some serious mess. Babies lose interest in feeding once they’ve had enough* and they don’t like being pestered to finish what you thought was the right amount. Being persuaded...
Jun 2, 2023 | Change your relationship with food, Eat in tune with your body
How many eating decisions do you make in a day? If you google this question, there are numerous references to a research paper published by Brian Wansink in 2007 showing that we make in the region of 200 eating-related decisions each day, many of them out of conscious...
Dec 4, 2022 | Eat in tune with your body, Get control of your eating, Psychology
At the end of a meal If you are in the habit of finishing off overly large meals, one specific change to how you eat – learning how to stop when just full – may help you feel much more satisfied, both physically and mentally. Eating more than you need can leave you...
May 16, 2022 | Achieving permanent weight loss, Change your relationship with food, changing eating habits, Eat in tune with your body, Real life story, Stop yo-yo dieting
Chris is struggling to believe the difference that putting his smartphone away during meals has had on his weight. In September 2020 Chris, a 45-year-old entrepreneur, approached me after he’d read one of my blogs on behaviour change. We were six months in to...
Jan 12, 2022 | Eat in tune with your body, Psychology
It’s January. The month where words tumble out of every newspaper, magazine and social media channel telling you how to improve your diet. Lots of do’s and don’ts, recipes and rules. Is another diet actually what you need? When you’re scrolling through...
Jun 20, 2020 | Achieving permanent weight loss, Change your relationship with food, changing eating habits, Eat in tune with your body, Get control of your eating, Lose weight without changing your lifestyle, Maintaining your new weight, Overcoming barriers to weight loss, Psychology
Photo by creatv-eight for Unsplash I recently wrote a blog titled “What is working memory and why does it matter for weight loss?” where I explained that we only have limited brain capacity, and we need some of this capacity when we want to change how we eat. In...