Does your self-control go to pot in the evening?

Does your self-control go to pot in the evening?

As lockdowns continue to try and curb transmission of Covid19, the pressure we’re under may show in our eating patterns. My blog this week is on a situation I often hear from clients, which is that they struggle with their eating much more in the evenings than...
Professionals: How to make self-weighing helpful to your clients

Professionals: How to make self-weighing helpful to your clients

I love reading academic research on eating and appetite that is readily applicable to the real-life situations I encounter every day at work with people who are unhappy with what they weigh, how they look, how they eat, or all three. An example of super-useful...
Research on episodic memory yields a useful tip to help cut down on snacking

Research on episodic memory yields a useful tip to help cut down on snacking

Human memory We have three types of memory processes – sensory memory, working memory (which used to be called short-term memory) and long-term memory. Long-term memory refers to anything stored sufficiently well to be accessible more than a few seconds later – not...

Relationships can change when you lose weight, for the better or worse

Photo by Kevin Lanceplaine for Unsplash There was an article in last week’s Guardian newspaper titled “Why Weight Loss Causes Breakups”. It was about how dramatic weight loss following bariatric surgery may transform people’s lives, but can also lead to the end of...

Inspiring story from someone who’s used my book to help him lose weight!

In February I received an email out of the blue from Tim, who was writing to me with some feedback about my book “How to Retrain Your Appetite”. His words tell his story better than I possibly could, particularly as we’ve never met and I only know what he’s included...

My number 1 tip for losing weight without giving up your favourite foods

First, I want to show you the cover of my new book I was very excited to receive the image of my book from my publisher this week. Here it is, and the publication date has now been confirmed as Thursday 3rd January 2019! It’s a how-to guide of how to change your...